Whether you are in a wonderful relationship, a miserable one, happily single, or begrudgingly so, we can all agree that the best part of Valentine’s Day is actually the day after, not when we have to witness insufferable acts of affection by clueless couples blocking access to the gin smashes. February 15 is the day all that candy, some of which is only easily found this time of year, goes on sale.
Passing the time on a day like Valentine’s day can be tricky. It is hard to escape the constant messages of love and affection and blah blah blah. Instead of browsing Facebook and watching your sickeningly adorable couple friends declare undying and everlasting ownership over one another, try these other ways to kill time.
Call Your Reps
There is a lot wrong with the world right now. A lot. We could start with problems at the White House, where domestic abusers are being defended by the president, who opted to reverse the trans bathroom bill, forcing students into dangerous situations without recourse. Or you could start on a more local level. Is your Member of Parliament the kind of person who votes against adding housing to human rights and then fails to provide an adequate explanation as to why? Are the judges in your town valuing the perceived and unlikely hockey careers and privileged internships of sexual assailants over the very real impact of their crimes? These are all issues that should be infuriating – so do something about it. Spend some time today calling, emailing, faxing, or writing to your representatives.
Watch a Romantic Comedy Through a Feminist Lens
There is nothing wrong with being a feminist and having a few less-than-feminist interests, including romantic comedies. Most of the time, you need to take your feminist hat off and put in your “this is fun entertainment” hat on to enjoy these types of movies. They present a completely unrealistic view of love, people, relationships, and the world…Read more