This was literally my first thought after being introduced to the concept and science behind neurofeedback. It’s a fair question, too. I mean, if it can train the brain recover from trauma and alleviate the symptoms of numerous mental illnesses, why not introduce a few superpowers as part of the process? The answer, by the way, is an unfortunate no, but neurofeedback therapy can do something even better, give patients back control over their own minds.
To be honest, I had started to give up hope that recovery was possible, and had little faith in this last-ditch attempt at mental health. I was used to my bipolar and had even achieved a small period of stability for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long before an abusive situation left me with horrible anxiety, shattered self-esteem, a broken sense of self, constant nightmares, and persistent flashbacks. Of all the symptoms, the intrinsic flashbacks are, for me, the worst. They have impaired my ability to work, to write, to sleep, and to carry on with my day-to-day life with any sense of normalcy. These flashbacks can be triggered by just about anything – a word or phrase, a feeling, a situation, a location, an action, or even being over-tired. They start by pulling me away from the here and now, like I’m sinking backwards into a thick fog. Then, a flood of emotions too powerful to hold back, or even initially identify, overwhelms me. These aren’t normal emotions, either. They are all consuming feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, anger, sorrow, fear, and devastation that exist beyond reason. It sometimes feels like I am right back to where I was, pleading with whoever will listen to make it stop. These feeling can last for a millisecond or for days. Sometimes I can move on, other times they stop me in my tracks, without warning, preventing me from remaining in the present for any significant length of time. Read more.