Breaking up is really hard to do. In fact, it downright sucks. Even when you know it’s for the best, you feel objectively the worst. Having a breakup routine, complete with dramatic haircut and a somewhat dispirited return to Tinder, can sometimes help. Being able to share your misery with some of your favourites from the nerdier side of pop culture can also do wonders. So, grab your kleenex and comfort food of choice (ice cream or bacon, I don’t judge), and sob along as we relive some truly heartbreaking breakups.
Kate Kane and Maggie Sawyer, Batwoman#34
Sparks flew between Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, and police officer (later police commissioner) Maggie Sawyer from the moment they met. Kate’s extra-curricular activities caused more than a few problems at first, especially when you consider how anti-vigilante most police forces happen to be. She eventually unmasked herself (metaphorically speaking) by proposing to Maggie, while still in full Batwoman getup. Maggie accepted, and they began what could have been a very interesting and amazing life together.
DC Comics
Sadly, things don’t always work out well, especially for superheroes in the DC world in 2014 (when Dan DiDio famously decreed that DC characters could not have relationships outside of crimefighting). When Maggie’s horrible, homophobic ex-husband found out about her happiness, he threatened to fight her for custody of their daughter. Kate was already worried about the effect her superhero-ing had on young Jamie, and opted to contact the ex to discuss things. She offered to leave Maggie and Jamie, if he promised to let Maggie have custody of their daughter. Kate made the heartbreaking choice to leave, knowing that even though it would break both their hearts, Jamie’s happiness was the priority. “If we’re soulmates, what’s a few years, huh? That’s what I keep telling myself anyway” breaks my heart every time. Read more.