There is no way around it; we are living in some interesting, and stressful, times. Regardless of where you lie on the political spectrum, you have to admit that things in the States are anxiety-inducing. For everyone. It is obviously incredibly important to be as politically aware as possible. Positive change can only happen when it is initiated by the informed. But it is important to take time away from the political arena as well. Having a few geeky things to look forward to can help give you a bit of a reprieve from that stress.
Thinking about things you are curious about experiencing can also help when you begin to feel helpless or hopeless. Whenever I find myself in a low spot I remember the advice Matt Fraction (writer of Sex Criminals, Hawkeye, ODY-C, among others) gave one of his fans. Fraction received a question from a fan about feeling hopeless. In his response, Fraction suggested the fan find something that could hold his curiosity; something that he was excited to learn or experience or re-experience in the future. In that light, here are a few geeky things we can all look forward to.
Wonder Woman
I’ll be honest – Wonder Woman was never my favourite superhero. Don’t get me wrong, I have always loved her. But for whatever reason I was always drawn to the lesser known heroes. Batwoman, Black Canary, and Huntress were always higher on that list. Then I read Greg Rucka’s The Hiketeiaand Gail Simone’s The Circle
and fell in love. At first, I found Wonder Woman to be too good and too perfect to be entertaining. Under skilled pens, however, she is complex, flawed, and still always driven to do what’s right.
Gal Gadot’s brief appearance is, without a doubt, the best part of Batman v. Superman. In my eyes, she was perfect as Diana – strong, confident, and fed up with bs. I’ve been looking forward to this movie since it was announced. The recent trailer has made me seriously wish for a TARDIS or some way to wake up and have it suddenly be June 2nd. Read more.
via Geeks In Art